Thursday, December 06, 2007

Guys, click here for some inspiration! Aww.. I want that too! Shall try to work towards that goal. =]
And so.. I promised to do an autobio right? Shall try to make it as interesting as possible. I guess everyone's life is exciting. We grow up and along the way, we face difficulties, made mistakes.. but it's all part and parcel of life, isn't it?
Blessed with good long term memory, I can remember quite a lot of events throughout 18 years of my life. =] I shall say as much as I want and if you want to know more, you can come ask me =p

Ok, let's start with the baby years.. Mmm, honestly, I don't remember what I was like when I was a baby. I saw some of my photos as a toddler..

I don't remember staying at Poh Huat road.. so these are really da early years. As you can see, I was much fairer then. Guess da melatonin gene was turned on as I got older. yikes. Yup, I love my bike and I love soft toys. I'm quite different from most girls cos usually, girls just like to play girly toys? But I can switch comfortably from boyish ones to girly ones. [Was more boyish when I was younger =p] Mum told me I could have been badly hurt once cos I fell out of the cot while trying to climb out. But I fell on all fours and didn't cry. So my sis was a little shocked cos they couldn't find me [I think I could have crawled out of the room =p]

So, I moved to a new house in Hougang =] where I spent most of my 18 years.. and I went taking photos with my mum at the park. Think I was in pre-school then.

Though I'm in a dress, I never really liked wearing one then [I always thought it obstructed my movement and I was known to be hyperactive according to my teacher in Clifford Kindergarten.

Interesting things happened when I was a kindergarten kid? Haha.. I remember some names.. Wei Tian, Su Hoon(who was in SJC), Yong Sheng(who was in cath high), Kenneth,Xiao Wei (2 of them) Johnathan (Can still remember his look, a bit nerdy. oops, sorry!) My teachers.. I don't remember their names but I know they were all female!

So what kinda funny things happened? I remember that Clifford Kindergarten (CK) was the top floor next to Emporium (the current kovan heartland mall). First day of school- cry!! haha.. Hey, though I love to make friends, it's still my very first day of school and I clung to dad like a koala! But after I went it =D I forgot all about my dad =p Flipped through my exercise books last time and I had horrible handwriting (I guess I like my handwriting now? But dad still thinks it's horrible). I ace spelling but flunked maths.. oh well, see? Told you I hate counting! There was once I rocked my chair and got caught by the teacher and she punished me by getting me to stand on the table. I didn't think it was a punishment anyway.. Thought it was quite fun! Tabletop dancing- I did that since I was a kid! lol!!

I went into the guys toilet by accident and saw them playing.. with their.. 'guns' ahem** ok. So I guess they had some fun there.. There was one guy who liked me and another I was crazy about. Kenneth likes me and is my neighbour. I invited him over to eat when I was younger. It wasn't until we were in our early teens did he tell me that he actually likes me. But I felt more harassed than anything. Sorry pal, we just ain't meant to be ok? doesn't matter if you're standing outside my door or calling and telling me all those things that I don't wanna hear =p Glad that we're still good neighbours. ;)

The guy that I liked.. was born on da same day as moi. Heck, I have an attraction for guys born on da same day =p here's a pic when we were having a party.

Sorry, I'm a bit camera shy and still am. Desparately trying to tell sis not to take my photo >.<>

enough of my kindergarten life? =_= sleepy now.

Tune in for more! erm.. haha! Bonjour!

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