Thursday, December 13, 2007

Check out these! Haha.. been looking at animal courtship rituals and comparing with human ones.. not v different right? Just a bit more complex =p

How To Seduce a Guy
If you want to learn how to seduce a guy then you need to look no further than your bedroom mirror. You don't have to look like a super model, but the most important first step is to improve and take care of your own reflection in the mirror. Most women are not perfect but there are usually some pretty easy steps to making yourself look the best you can. If there is a night coming up where you want to try and seduce that special man, you first should make sure that you look impeccable. Get your hair done, wax your lip, shave EVERYTHING, paint your toenails, get a manicure and get the best outfit which flatters you the most. Pretend like you are going out for a night out at the opera. Just do it up girly style. The best part about trying to seduce a man is the fact that you get to pamper yourself! A man appreciates a woman who appreciates herself. When you are all done up for him it says to the guy that you care about yourself and the date. Men love this!
Not all men are easily seduced but let's face it, many are. Basically, it is usually the women who make the decision on if sex will or will not be a factor that evening. The guy just takes what he can get. Knowing this you should be stricken with a sense of self confidence that will make the night wild. Men love confidence. When a woman holds a feeling of power above the men, it makes guys weak in the knees, he will practically do anything to get a nip of that love you have for him. But when it comes down to having sex, let the guy make the first move but let him know that he is able to, give him all the green lights. Let him control the situation because men love to be in control during the first sessions of sex. At the same time, also let him know you want it...badly. Moan when he kisses you in the right spot, hold him close to you and squeeze with your fingers. This will turn him on like crazy because it will tell him that you are REALLY into it. That is make him feel so good, so desirable, that he won't be able to hold back.
There are plenty of little sexual secrets and stimuli that you can learn from our favorite seduction site Her Secrets. This is a great website where some of the best seduction and sexual secrets are given to women to help them learn how to make a guy want you 365 days of the year. The best part about this training is that once you have a guy locked down by your miraculous sexual skills, they will likely never leave you. They sure as hell won't want some other guy benefiting from all that you have to offer!
When you are seducing a guy you should remember two very important things. 1)Look him in the eye and 2) be verbal. When in the middle of your passion, look him straight in the eye. This is such a turn on for both of you! It will heighten his awareness. Don't be too shy to be verbal. Tell him what feels good and what he could do to make it better for you, and when he does it just right let him know. Men love to be taught and they love to know when they are pleasing you. You don't want to just lie there like a dead fish, let him know that he is turning you on!

Dating Guide for Teenagers
Dating is one of the most exciting periods of your life. Suddenly, there are new horizons before you, friendships flower, your personality blooms, and your sense of being a desirable person worthy of affection becomes real. This is a time of great exhilaration, splendor, and discovery. To live it fully is to enjoy one of life's most delightful experiences.
To miss out on dating is a shame and a waste, especially when there is still time to do something about it. Dating is an art, and like all arts it must be cultivated to give results. Approach it with honesty, enthusiasm, energy, and it begins to take form. And soon you have answers to the questions that were worrying you.
Long before you actually start dating, you dream about it. Wistfully, you see other fellows and girls out together on dates, laughing, talking, going places, having a seemingly effortless, wonderful time.
Before you ever get a date, you see yourself as the gallant hero or the glamorous heroine of a romantic situation. You imagine all the right words and actions so easily, so vividly, that you can hardly wait to start dating.
Yet, somewhere inside you anticipate the awkward moments when you will stand tongue-tied and clumsy before some very special person, finding that dating is anything but wonderful. And so you swing between eagerness and anxiety, impatient to try your wings at one moment, and afraid of a take-off in the next.
When you consider the nature of dating, this emotional see-sawing is quite understandable. For dating fun is different from the fun a boy has playing ball with the fellows or the joy a girl knows confiding in her closest chum.
In dating you are involved with persons of the other sex. You are learning about these other special people. And in the process you are also discovering a great deal about yourself. You are on the threshold of a new kind of experience that is grown-up, romantic, and full of promise for your life ahead as a full-fledged adult.
Probably you are wondering when you can start participating in this new exciting experience. For some of you the answer will be easy. If you belong to a closely knit group that does everything together, having dates within that circle of familiar friends will come naturally and simply. But for the majority of young people the answer is not so easy.

Overcoming Bashfulness
Shyness with members of the other sex is common among young people. You are not alone in this problem. Getting over self-consciousness to the point where you can relax and be friendly with those you most admire is a challenge.
The more thrilled you are with the presence of the other person, the more likely you are to be embarrassed, it seems. But with experience you gradually become more comfortable with the opposite sex.
Then, as you develop poise and self-confidence, you discover and put into practice more and more of the art of dating. How to develop that poise and confidence is the question.
Since girls grow up sooner, and are ready for dates before boys of their age and grade generally are, a particular problem for a teen-age girl is how to get a bashful boy to notice her. This is why girls' clubs so often center around planning boy-girl activities. Many a shy boy has come out of himself at a well-planned party. With encouragement he finds that he can carry on a conversation and have fun in a mixed group.
Soon he, too, is ready for dates, usually first with the girl who was friendly and approachable while he was getting up his courage to ask her.
A fellow needs to be reasonably sure a girl wants to go out with him before he asks her. So it's a girl's responsibility to let a boy know that she is interested in him, without behaving so boldly that she scares him off.
When Girls Take the Initiative
There is a thin line between being available and being too forward. The girl who gets a reputation for being a flirt finds that many of the nicer boys and girls avoid her. Yet, when a girl acts too demure or feigns coolness or disinterest out of fear, she may chase boys away and miss out on the fun of friendship and dating. It is important to remember that boys are also scared and shy, and a smile or gesture from you can begin a friendship.
Girls frequently ask if it's all right to telephone the boys they like. Well-let's look at it from the boy's point of view. If Joan calls Bill about a specific question, or to invite him to some definite affair, he can respond without necessarily feeling that she has put him on the spot. If she calls repeatedly, or for no particular purpose except to chat aimlessly, his family may tease him and he becomes embarrassed by her "chasing."
Custom has it that a girl may speak first when meeting a boy on the street or in the hallway at school. She doesn't have to wait for the boy to nod or address her. It's simple courtesy that she recognizes him with some friendly greeting or gesture. She does this by making some pleasant sign that she recognizes the boy, and that she feels friendly toward him. She may smile or nod, or say "Hello" or "Hi, Bill!" Perhaps she'll add some casual remark.
But a girl should not interrupt a boy who is talking to someone or is with a group of fellows, or is obviously absorbed in something else. That, too, is simple courtesy. If a boy indicates his awareness of her by disengaging himself from the group, or shows her in some other way that he knows she's there, she greets him.
A girl gets a reputation for being "fast" not because she's friendly toward boys but because of the way she behaves when they are around. The "forward" girl overly emphasizes the fact that she's a female-by the way in which she dresses, walks, talks, looks, and laughs. She goes beyond the bounds of what is considered "nice" in her attention to the boys. By her seductiveness she encourages boys to be too fresh, too loud, and too boisterous.
Is it ever all right for a girl to chase a boy? Throughout the ages women have found ways of being appealing and interesting to the men they have liked. Nowadays girls are taking more initiative than ever. The important thing is that a girl not be too obvious, or she defeats her own purpose. It's best if she waits for some sign of a boy's interest before she embarks on a campaign. And then she must make it look as though he, rather than she, is the pursuer.
In Grandma's formula, it's all right for a girl to "chase a fellow until he catches her."

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