Thursday, July 13, 2006

I've gotten back al my results 'cept for bio. I haven't done briliantly but I ought to be thankful for what I scored. Honestly, I think I could have done worse..I shan't put them up here but you can ask me personally if you so desperately want to know and bitch about it. Haha.. kdding. ;) just ask if you are curious.
One of the most upsetting thing is that I failed chem. I saw it coming so that's why I wasn't emotional about it. I think I felt a tear in my eye but my heart was too cold to let it drop. Somehow, I've gotten the balance of my life. Just in case you are wondering, I've always imagined the universe as some form of a pattern and this pattern is part of a bigger pattern. Yea, something along that line. Many things are in cycles and many things come in pairs. Also, even those things that are odd or weird will follow some unique pattern. Ok, I may not be making much sense but just think about it.. That's also probably why I love bio. There's a pattern that I just links everything up. Oh and so does History ;) Oh well, everything has patterns! haha

today's card is [temperance, xiv]
temperance is a card of balance. Someone who can adapt to situation with grace and ease. When you draw this card, it should mean that you are calm and in control of the events around you. Oh this word is also 'temperare' in Latin. the picture usually seems to show a female figure, probably an angel, pouring water from 2 vessels. So it's like blending and signifies harmony.. of course when it's reverse, the meaning should be something of chaos.
gotta run!

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