Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I have been visiting my childhood days.. I love ariel a lot.. because of her beautiful voice and her adventurous personality. ^^ ya.. I'm a curious creature too.. and I have a nice protective father like hers.. King Triton =D Ha.. those days..

I'm getting more and more comfortable being a girl.. I know it's strange but I never felt easy being one.. Until I saw the power that a woman has.. when she's truly a woman. I was =O wowed... So boys and girls.. give thanks to your brave mothers who dared to bring you to this world and cared for you when you were young.. Of course there are some mothers who aren't very wise but at least carrying you for 9 nine months is not easy ok!

Can't imagine what it's like if I become like one of them.. >.< never mind.. not gonna imagine

I miss my mother for a moment..

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