Sunday, October 29, 2006

ha.. finally taking a small break. I've been having quite a lot of fun reading up on my favourite subject. Yup, though I didn't do very well for the promos, I'm not gona waste my time looking at the past right? ^_^ And so.. I came across a very scary..or should I say, interesting theory - Weismannism. it's the theory that traits are not inherited.. i think. This means that the central dogma that we learnt in DNA genetics would be shattered! But why not? It's only a central dogma, a starting point that people set-which may not be the truth. So if the theory is believable, it should replace what was wrong.. correct? Then you'll risk changing many things and what if this new theory is wrong too? Then we'll go round and round ^_^ *yawns. I think I need an eye break..

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