Friday, June 09, 2006

Sometimes I don't understand why my parents were the Chosen Ones to create me. So that I can laugh at them? Or perhaps to save them in future? I don't mean to be ungrateful but can you really call them parents? Even calling 'Pa' seems weird now, seriously. (not to mention my affectionate way, 'daddy'. There are different perspectives to the same thing. I heard this on a TV drama. ' A cloud can look like a sheep on one side but a monster on the other' Right now, I can only see the monsters. Maybe they are monsters on both sides? My dad, I haven't got much to say. Let's just call him, the black guy. After all, he's the reason why I'm so dark. (My guardian suspects that I have some Malay blood in me. Oh well, can't tell for sure but I do read Malay like a Malay) My mum, she's the ultimate. Call her A.Hitler. Arrange the words and you get- the Liar. (quoted from horrible histories)I can't beat her in lying. (No wonder she can't stand me.=P)

I don't think all these that I've said are gonna hurt them because they'll never know. Even if they do, I think it's a wake up call to them that I'm not feeling like family with any of them. It's not that I haven't tried. It's just that each time I tried, things never got better and so.. If money's all they want, then they just have to wait. Because money is something that I can give when I grow up. If love is what they want, then sorry. Because they have planted a money tree and watered it with 'shui'(a.k.a water, which means money in chinese) They have forgotten the fertiliser( I guess you know what that is) And I have shown that I needed that..

Anyway, Happy Fathers' Day in advance. I wanna thank you both for giving me such 'good' genes. Know why I'm gonna live alone in future? Cos, I wish I don't have to see another me, suffering. I'm thankful because all this is gonna end right here, with me.

Don't worry, I won't disappoint you guys. Just wait for the money to roll in.

What fools..

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