Tuesday, June 10, 2008

your Life Path of 8 ...
You are a natural born winner who is destined to make a lot of money.[hope that's true!] You are confident, charismatic and most comfortable in dealing with practical, down-to-earth affairs. You are blessed with an extraordinary drive and ambition as well as a fierce competitive spirit that gives you a definite edge in career and business. You thrive best in a job that has a predictable routine and a tall social ladder to climb. You take great pride in your physical appearance and often appear very attractive to the opposite sex, which is only a hazard if the romance happens on the job.

You have excellent taste in clothes and know how to gain the focus of an entire room of strangers. You don't have much patience with people who are dreamy or mystical in nature and are a rationalist at heart. You believe that an effect follows a definite cause and that logic and efficiency is what produces results in life. You are ruled by head and not your heart, especially in matters of business. Sometimes this gives you a bit of a reputation for being cut throat. Sometimes you are not so much respected as feared by those that you lead. You are also the most status conscious of all of the numbers and aspire to be a pillar of the community. However, one of your life challenges might be to learn how to share your wealth in a truly philanthropic way rather than try to appear charitable for appearance's sake. Your will and determination to succeed is unrivalled by any other number. Once you conceive of an idea you have absolutely no problem sticking with it and seeing it through to completion even if it takes a number of years.

Often you win at the game of life because you had the tenacity to be the last man standing. You tend to be connected more to material wealth than spiritual wealth and to lust more than sex. Many of you marry for social reasons or because the individual seems right for the position of spouse. Your family unit often conceals a lot of secrets as when these relationships do not work out, you cannot bear the humiliation of separation or divorce. Although you have a lot of courage in other areas of your life you often don't have the courage to end a bad relationships for fear of what others might think. Often the strength of your personality is overwhelming for those who come into contact with you. This strong personality is fantastic when it comes to career but it can damage your relationships with family and friends. Many 8's do not have real friends but rather a collection of individuals who admire their power.

Likewise there is a tendency for your family or children to feel neglected as your career takes precedence over their emotional demands. One of your life challenges is to avoid dedicating your entire life to material success and allowing for spontaneity and love in your life. You are also very athletic and likely to be good at sports. As you like to play as hard as you work you enjoy any past time that is competitive including golf, chess, equestrian pursuits. You are also a master manipulator who knows how to compel others to do your will. Often you are an employer or a land owner who is responsible for the livelihoods of many other people. Being a wise provider is the way that you can most benefit others.

Your Expression - which describes your potential natural talents and abilities - works out to be a 7.

What a '7' Expression Means About You

Your Potential Natural Talents and Abilities

You are a secret rebel and a loner preferring the company of your brilliant thoughts and fantastic daydreams to the company of other people. You are incredibly spiritually sophisticated and this creates an odd air of detachment to your personality. You tend to express yourself in a very blunt manner to others simply because you are not a big believer in wasting time with niceties. You tend to not express yourself well through your facial expressions or body language although you can be quite eloquent with words. You do not say much but when you do say something it is usually acutely observant or very enlightening.

To you the ultimate expression of your higher self lies within the mysteries of science, nature and the occult. Most number 7s tend to be interested in all three topics. Many are mathematicians, naturalists, anthropologists, historians or priests. The virtues of solitude appeal to you most as it allows you the peace and acres of time that you need to investigate your favorite subjects. Even if you have never gone to school you probably have the equivalent of a Ph.D in some kind of esoteric or scientific subject. An important part of your self-expression is the ability to be able to pass this knowledge onto a willing enthusiast or student one day. You are also likely to choose a romantic partner that shares your intellectual passions. As you are so quirky it takes a very special person indeed to understand your complex body language and need for a lot of personal space. Usually when you do find a partner that understands you, you are so grateful, that you become loyal for life.

Although you make a great teacher, you do not necessarily make a good parent. This is because a child's curiosity often competes with your own child like need to be inquisitive and live in a fantasy world. You are very logical and in terms of your personal tastes, believe that beauty is a matter of form following function. You are also a perfectionist so much of what you own will probably be the very best or state of the art. You should be well able to afford this as your deeply analytical and logical mind also often lends you a talent for investing money. Although you like owning the best on the market you are not the type to show off. You tend to hide your wealth from others as well as you hide your other secrets.

This is partly an attempt on your part to see if an individual likes you for you. You are very uncomfortable with expressions of emotion and often avoid "feeling your feelings." Many of you may equate relationships with the idea of pain or as an element that could potentially throw you off your balance or defocus you from your "real work." Sometimes your emotions are manifested through illness as you have a tendency to stash all of your feelings, especially the painful ones such as resentment, to the back of your subconcious where they fester for years. You are also prone to obsession if you let your feelings somehow become the focus of your life.

The challenge of some number sevens is to distinguish the difference between how they feel about a situation and the reality of it. Your reverence for the mysteries of the universe makes you an adamant seeker of truth. Your search for an ideal society or a spiritual epiphany makes you more vulnerable than other numbers to the influences of cults or religious leaders.

Now, Let's Examine Your Soul Urge(also known as your "Heart's Desire")

your Soul Urge of 5 ...What You Desire To Be, To Have, and To Do In Your Life

You love change. You live to experience as much as possible in the shortest amount of time possible. You appreciate the fact that life is short and are bound and determined to make the most of every minute you have on this earth. You have an inquisitive mind and a thirst for adventure that is only slaked by the collecting of unusual experiences and plenty of travel. Your adaptable nature puts you at home anywhere. You are also a bit of chameleon that is able to transform its appearance and nature to suit the environment. You are a big believer in the phrase "When in Rome.. Do as the Romans do."

Your closet is usually full of many costumes, as part of your soul's satisfaction is to do a bit of \"play acting\" in real life. You also possess the rare gift of detachment. Emotionally this grants you the ability to have a serial number of relationships throughout your life yet not suffer any kind of trauma or nasty consequences when one ends. However your casual attitude towards relationships often devastates others who interpret your adventurous spirit as an unwillingness to settle down and put down roots. This gives you the reputation of being "shallow" or a "heartbreaker" when nothing could be further from the truth.

You simply don't connect to others in the same way they do to you and you are frustrated by those who can't seem to get on with their life the same way you are able to. In fact you can't think of a bigger disservice to one's soul than to give up one's right to pursue their heart's desire. You feel smothered by individuals who define love as giving up your heart and soul for another. Your definition of love is more spiritually sophisticated. You believe that an expression of true love for another soul is the courage to let them go to pursue their own path. Another one of your blessings is that it simply does not occur to you to be overemotional about things or create dramas. You are a very difficult person to pick a fight with as you have a pacifist nature. You simply see ugly emotional scenes as beneath you and you are often long gone before a battle of wills is likely to take place.

You are also very accepting of different cultures and in particular, religious and political points of view. Unfortunately others see this omniscience as procrastination or as two faced as you have a way of "agreeing with everyone." Your refusal to take a stand sometimes costs you dearly professionally. This is often a mystery to you as from your point of view all you were doing is being fair. You intrinsically understand that without change there is no evolution. This is why somehow, many of you end up as being the catalyst for change in many situations. Sometimes the change that your very presence provokes is constructive and good and sometimes you are the culprit that causes complete chaos.

However often your motivation for revealing secrets or destroying relationships is to clear out the old and create way for the new. You are also graced with an astounding amount of courage. Like water you have the ability to wear down obstacles like water in a stream wears down a rock over a long period of time. Although you may appear unpredictable or unreliable to others you are actually a very complex individual who often harbors a clear vision of who they want to be and how they want to live in the future.


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