Thursday, June 26, 2008

I was tagged by Sha.. =] see? mei mei ish so zi dong [aka automatic]
A. If your lover betrays you, what will you do?
If I'm not in a rotten mood, I'd slap him and kick him in the nuts. If I'm in an ultra bad mood, I might go cranky, stab/chop him and kick him in the nuts. It depends =p
B. If you can have a dream that will come true, what will it be?
Find a good guy who loves me and have enough money to travel around the world.
C. What will your dream wedding be like?
I don't need an ultra showy wedding. I just want my closest buddies to give me their blessings and have this really honest husband-to-be to really love me.
D. Are you confused of what lies ahead of you?
I guess.. well, I'm really poor with directions, more so when it comes to directions in life. But I think I'll just have to keep walking and learn all that I can..
E. What is your ideal lover like?
Sigh. What's the point of talking about ideal partner? Realistically, he just has to be caring, supporting, sincere and serious about wanting to spend his life with me.. going through everything together. Is that difficult?
F. Which is more blessed, loving or being loved?
Being loved.
G. How long do you intent to wait for someone you love?
So long as he's still interested, just not ready. [But the thing is.. what do you mean by wait for someone? Honestly, I don't really mind waiting if it meant marriage. But I do mind if waiting meant waiting for him to express his feelings. As in, if he's not interested.. then it's off. What for waste time when I can take that same time to find someone else who might be interested. Right? =]
H. If the person you like is secretly attached, what will you do?
I will slap him and kick him in the nuts for wasting my time and precious youth =p
I. Is there anything that has made you unhappy this few days?
Boring work that never seem to end.. Feeling a bit lonely.
J. What do you want most in life?
Sincerity in relationships. It's the one thing that's really hard to get nowadays.
K. Do you like being tagged?
Yeah. It's quite fun =]
L. How do you see yourself in 10 years time?
Wrinkles =X [hope to have long hair] More mature, stronger and independent.
M. Who are the most important people in your life now?
My family and close friends.
N. What kind of person do you think that the person who tagged you is?
Incredibly enjoyable-to-be-with, my lovely sister :)
O. If you could ask that person for a request and that person will return it, what will it be?
Find me that angmoh bf ah!! Bring a few so I can select xp!!
P. What is the first thing you will do every morning?
Look at my watch.. do a stretch and sink back onto my lovely bed for another 5 minutes or so.
Q. Would you give it all in a relationship?
Depends on what 'all' means. I'd definitely put in a lot of effort to keep the relationship healthy and going so long as he's willing to put in effort as well.
R. If you were to fall for 2 people at the same time, who will you pick?=\ 2 people?
If both love me with all their hearts and one is rich, the other is poor.. I'll pick da rich one. Ahaha.. heh. If da poor guy really loves me, he'd want me to be happy too, right? So actually, either won't be too upset cos they love me and want me to be happy. If both are equally rich and both love me.. Haiya so easy! pick da one who's more anti-social/sickly! Ahaha.. inherit all da money when he dies. =_= okok.. kidding.. Matters of the heart is complicated. Shall decide when it really happens. But I don't think I'm that fortunate.. =p to have 2 guys after me.
S. What type of friends do you like?
Friends that will go through thick and thin with me =]
T. If you played a prank on someone and they fall for it, what will you do?
Tease them each time I see them. =]

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