Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Love is like food.. You just need it.

So what kind of food/love do you like?

In love, I know I tend to think of what could have been better or what's da next dish. Sometimes, after eating the same dish for a long time, you get sick of it. And you crave for something else, like cake for a change..

But it's not very feasible to eat cake all your life right?

So.. I've decided.. I wanna find that nice plate of fragrant white rice.. cos I can decide how to cook it. I can fry it, steam it, mash it, add stuff to it.. i can make it into fried rice, dumpling, sushi, some weird rice pie.. anything so long as I'm creative! So you see.. good old rice is my staple and it can last for a long time ^_^ I just have to put in some effort so that it's not plain and boring =]

Yummy rice! I'm coming~~ haha.

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