Tuesday, January 08, 2008

The Art [and science] of kissing
Kissing is a complex behavior that requires significant muscular coordination; in fact, a total of thirty four muscles working cooperatively. The most important muscle involved is the orbicularis oris muscle, which is used to pucker the lips and informally known as the kissing muscle. The tongue can also be an important part of the kiss. Lips have many nerve endings so they are sensitive to touch.
See? Kissing is such a wonderful exercise ^_^ *muacks

We all desire intimacy with another living soul, but we also fear it. None the less, we all continue to seek intimacy with another soul. Intimacy can spiritually bond two souls on the highest level. It has the ability to deepen the intrinsic union of two souls, building their relationship in a way that otherwise would be impossible to achieve. The secret to unlocking this potential is in the intention that the couple brings to intimacy. Their desire must be exemplary. To transform it into an expression of the soul, their heart's true desire, they must be focused with total concentration on connecting with their partner, making it an experience of pure giving. Intimacy rooted in love deepens the couple's relationship, creating a level of closeness that can only be described as complete connection. A joining of the mind, body and spirit. The bonding between the two is the key, not just the physical gratification. Trust is the backbone of intimacy. Without trust, intimacy cannot occur. If you focus on giving, on bringing fulfillment, love and joy to your partner, you and your partner will be fulfilled.
Intimacy is an expression of giving and connection, of love in it's most ultimate level. Communication and intimacy between partners takes place on various levels: Verbal, physical, emotional and also in the fullness of silence. We can sit in a room with our partner, feeling his or her presence, though we may each be engaged in separate activities. It's the ability to communicate with our partner without speaking, saying much with just a touch or a look. This kind of intimacy is a deep richer experience than the limitation of verbal, physical and emotional. Beyond physically being together in the same room is the quiet comfort of caring love which transcends time and space. In this we experience the fulfillment of the loved one even when separated, while acknowledging the emotion of missing the partner's physical presence.
In the physical aspect of intimacy, we encompass lesser intimate acts like holding hands as well as more intimate acts. You do not have to have a physical relationship with someone in order to be intimate with him or her. While physical intimacy is certainly a part of most romantic relationships, it is important to have emotional intimacy as well. Emotional intimacy involves sharing your thoughts, feelings, and experiences with another person in an open and honest way. Intimacy has sexual connotations, but it is much more than that. It includes all the different dimensions of our lives -- the physical, but also the social, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects as well. Intimacy is total life sharing.
Physical intimacy in a loving committed relationship with its fusion of love, play, magic, ecstasy, is life celebrating life. This intimate communion of making love may reveal the divine mystery rather than just simply be pleasurable, entertaining sensations. What makes the difference is our intentions, our love, and the attitudes that we bring to this experience. If we hold a reverence for life, an awareness and respect of our mutual joining and individuality, we experience the other as none other than our very selves, the shared joy and intimacy of lovemaking is a spiritual meeting of the flesh and spirit, the joining of hearts and souls. The boundaries of a separate self can fall away and life is making love with life, intimately, together as one.

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