Sunday, November 25, 2007

Life is unpredictable.

Even a bright candle flame that seems to be burning steadily, can be extinguished suddenly.

When I got to know that Mr Loh was missing, I silently prayed. But I knew there was nothing I could really do to help. Perhaps, deep inside, we already knew what the end was going to be like. Until evening, our fears were confirmed and there, he's gone. Somehow, my mind conjured images of his death.. it hurts. But it didn't hurt as much until all the memories we shared came flooding back. I admit, I cried.. (even as I am typing)

I still remember a couple of months ago, how he told us he was excited about this trip, how hard they trained every week. He said he liked this meaningful life. I still remember his smile, his energy, his zest for life.. Still remember how he told us to relax and don't get so stressed.. that exams aren't all that scary..

Mr Loh, though we may not be very closely related, I can tell you are a good man. When you're gone, it means that a parent lost a son, a sister lost a brother, a teacher lost a student, a student lost a teacher, a friend lost a friend..

But you know what? You're still very alive in our (at least, my) memory.. and I'll always remember you ='} Though you may not have made it back, I'll continue running this race of life and bring joy to this world.

I love you and may you rest in peace.

For that, I shall not post the cursing session because I know how much it hurts for someone to lose another loved one.

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