Friday, March 23, 2007

I didn't get any huge scoldings so far.. haha. That's a relief but that doesn't mean that I'm not gonna do anything about my grades. This shall be a reminder to myself to pay more attention to some subjects. Like it or not, I'm gonna do it. ;) Yea baby, bring it on!

I have been trying to think of what course I want to enter after graduation. What I want may seem a little difficult to get into.. but I really don't know where I'm heading. Sigh.. I may have strengths that I'm not allowed to develop because of you-know-who. In a sense, I can't discover my potential =S I feel stupid at times because I'm doing what I don't want to do but know I can do it just to please you-know-who.

Yea, you may think that this is my own doing and only I can save myself. But isn't there a way where I can do what I'm 'destined' to do and not piss him off at the same time?

Keep me in prayers ok? =P Somehow, things will work out. They always do =]

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