Saturday, September 27, 2008

Magenta Emotional Approach to Life
The greatest problem for
Magentas is loneliness. Few people can tolerate the skewed perspective so natural for a Magenta. When they attempt to conform, Magentas lose touch with what makes life worth living for them, and this often plunges them into deep despair. Female Magentas are often programmed by society to believe that the fastest road to happiness lies in being like a Blue-the natural caretaker of the spectrum. However, for Magenta women this is the fastest road to madness. Magentas are basically loners. They don't mean to be and they are not always pleased that they have difficulty finding compatible mates and partners. However, their work habits, living arrangements, and restless energy make it difficult for them to create and foster long-term loving relationships. Their lives are often filled with happy chances or disastrous snafus and miscommunications. They neither want nor need to be organized, and this trait keeps some potential mates away. A Magenta needs to ask this question when beginning a relationship: How much confusion and disorganization is too much? Until a Magenta can answer that question, a relationship will last only as long as the other individual's ability to tolerate ambiguity. Their quicksilver vibrancy, eclectic ideas, and outrageous solutions to simple problems make Magentas attractive and fun to be with. However, living all of life on the brink can be tiring for most of the other Personality Spectrums colors. When one is courting, coleslaw for dinner at 3:00 A.M. is the stuff of memories. But for a Magenta, that's life. The question they ask is: Doesn't everyone eat dinner at 3:OOam? Emotionally, Magentas are reacting to the confinement of their parents' expectations: get good grades, clean your room, make a few good friends, and participate in school, church, or neighborhood activities. To the Magenta, these requirements seem like life sentences, as crippling to their personality as the Chinese foot-binding custom would be to their feet. These children need to explore their environment and interact dynamically with it. These are the children who want to try something just because it is there. Magentas may conform temporarily in order to please their parents. When they go out on their own, however, they will explore the limits of their tangible reality. One of the first things they do is to choose extreme hairstyles in hairdo and clothing. But their extremes are zany rather than ugly or bizarre. They love authentic innovation, and are especially good at showing fads for what they are-mindless. Magentas will take various fad garments and combine them in such a way as to make a new statement. Their fashion sense is one of fun, not anger. Magentas can swing between high and low moods. The highs are expressions of freedom, sense of self, acceptance, and creativity. The lows result from trying to please others, loss of sense of self, and finding no way out of a mundane or humdrum existence. They can lessen the severity of these mood swings by choosing careers or occupations that allow or even encourage them to develop their own style. Artistic pursuits-sign painting, staging of rock bands, performing as a mime or a clown - offer opportunities to build a bridge between the inner reality of the self and the outer reality of society. They can also choose to live in those parts of the country or world where they are less conspicuous in their uniqueness. A Magenta in a small town will have more difficulty than a Magenta in San Francisco or New York City.

Magenta Spiritual Approach to Life
As the nonconformists of the spectrum,
Magentas are unwilling to be bound by any convention, set of rules, or code of laws regulating behavior, attitudes, or beliefs. Magentas will only stay involved with a system or organization as long as they are free to come and go as they please, taking what they need and returning when they need replenishment or renewal.
Magentas, as one of the Physical (environmental) Personality Spectrums colors, have a strong connection to the earth. Religious practices that are too mental or emotional do not appeal to Magentas. They need to be grounded in their spirituality; they prefer outdoor services or activities that put them in direct communion with nature.
Magentas have a close connection with nature because plants and animals make no demands on them other than that they be allowed to coexist. Magentas find solace in nature, an acceptance of who they are at the core. Walks in the woods or the park and planting, tending, or harvesting crops are ways in which Magentas express their spirituality. Any retreat facility would do well to have a Magenta on staff-to tend to the ecology and to educate guests and participants in the relationship between nature, humanity, and spirituality.
Magentas are reluctant to join any church or organization. They are unwilling to commit themselves for fear of being tied down. They resent demands being made on them that they cannot be sure of fulfilling. Like the other Physical (environment) colors, Magentas can be depended upon once they give their word-but they do not often give their word. They prefer to keep all their options open, to be able to come and go within a group or an organization as they feel the need to learn and grow. They prefer loosely knit organizations to those that are more rigidly structured because they like to feel that the door is open for them.
Magentas, religious services and rituals need to be more practical and utilitarian than those offered by most religions. For all their zaniness, Magentas can be very down-to-earth. They see the value in the cycle of the seasons, with the attendant duties and responsibilities within each season. Through the enactment of ritual, they can attune their lives to the seasons. By being able to concentrate on metaphysical as well as physical concerns, Magentas can maintain balance and emotional stability in their lives. This sense of balance in turn gives them a centeredness, a sense of who they are and what their purpose in life is.

Magenta Leadership
Magentas' personal power lies in their willingness to set their own rules no matter the ramifications, since conforming to social norms and expectations is so physically painful for them. Their solution is to move to places, usually large cities, where their uniqueness can be absorbed in the milieu and where they can blend into the cityscape. They choose friends who appreciate their alternative view of life, and they avoid people who insist on doing things the way they have always been done. Magentas don't care how things have always been done. In fact, that is no recommendation at all to the Magentas. Their response is Why?" For them, change is the essence of being; change allows them to feel safe and in control of their environment. Whereas most colors need a sense of familiarity in their lives, to Magentas sameness is death, not safety.
Magentas are not leaders in the accepted sense of the word. They are not organized, nor do they have the dynamic personal power and charisma we associate with good leaders. Instead, Magentas lead by showing us the stagnation in our lives. By painting larger-than-life cans of tomato soup, Andy Warhol asked us to reconsider what we regard as important. Magentas lead by understanding what they experience on the inner planes of their psyches. They then have the courage to act on that information, making portions of their environment conform to their view of their inner space. Magentas are not rebellious, nor is their creative expression especially angry. They simply see reality differently than most people do, and they attempt to somehow bring their environment into harmony and balance with their internal perspective.

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