Wednesday, April 09, 2008

for cat lovers~

Your cat's tail is an indicator of its mood and if you observe the tail's movements, you can learn many things from these signals. There are a number of tail signals that the cat can display:

Tail curves gently down and then up again at the tip: This is a peaceful, relaxed cat.
Tail raised slightly and softly curved: Something has caught your cat's interest.
Tail held erect but with the tip tilted over: Your cat is in a friendly, greeting mood but may have some reservations.
Tail fully erect with the tip stiffly vertical: This is a very intense greeting display and has no reservations.
Tail lowered fully and possibly even tucked between the hind legs: The cat feels defeated or submissive.
Tail lowered and fluffed out: The cat is showing fear.
Tail swished violently from side to side: This signal indicates that the cat is very angry.
Tail held still, but with tip twitching: This signal shows the cat is mildly upset.
Tail held erect with its whole length quivered: The gesture appears to show happiness or friendliness usually given to its owner as a greeting. It is also the same type of gesture used in territory marking (used by whole males).
Tail held to one side: This is displayed by a female cat in heat.
Tail held straight and fully bristled: This signal is one of an aggressive cat.
Tail arched and bristled: This signal is one of the defensive cat.

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