Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Yay.. there are some happy stuff and disappointing stuff to share. Let's start of with da happy ones.
1)I aced my chem test! whoo hoo! Hey, I worked for it.. so gimme some credit yea?
2)I got most of the courses I want for enrichment week and guess what? I signed up for bio conc camp =_=
3)I love my zen_stone! ^_^
4)I love my kids.. as in.. those kids who come for tuition with me.
5)I love my friend who accompanied me home ^_~
6)I'm definitely a more responsible person than before.

Here comes the disappointing parts..
The reason why I feel that I'm more responsible is because I was the only one who went for the CIP (tuition with da kids) Those who didn't go, you know who you are. OK, I'm not angry because you may have your reasons for not going. But could you at least inform me beforehand?! Now, it's really unfair to the kids that you do not turn up because they really missed you and asked where you guys were. It also sucks because it reflects badly on your ability to commit. I know I shouldn't be passing judgements like this but please, go and do some self-reflection. This CIP is aimed to help students better their skills in English and not for YOU to just collect hours.

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